My previous experience:
I graduated from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota with a BA in English and a minor in Electronic Publishing. My previous experience includes advertisement for a nonprofit, among other things.
I love working at TSM because…
I never dread going into work, I actually look forward to it! Everyone knows each other on a personal level, and you don’t have to go far to find someone willing to help you. Nonstop laughter, ping pong, and pool games certainly don’t hurt either.
When I’m not at work, my favorite things to do are…
When I’m not at TSM I’m usually napping. Seriously, enter me in a napping competition, I’ve got this. Otherwise, I’m reading, writing, hanging out with my friends and family, or bugging my twin sister.
Rewarding and Valuing Excellence Awards:
September, 2017
Have you ever seen Laura and a supercomputer in the same room? Coincidence? I think not. Laura could have won the rave award every month since her third month, and she would have deserved it, too. She pumps out sites almost faster than Trent and Blaze can deliver them—and that’s saying something.
But it’s more than just how many sites she gets done. She’s also a leader for the writers. She helps solve problems before Blaze, Trent or I even hear of them. She’s active in pursuing new ideas, and is happy to help out with projects whenever needed. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever heard Laura decline a request. That’s crazy.
I can’t think of anybody who deserves this more. Congrats Laura, and keep it up!