Everyone including myself always cringes when we hear about Google launching a new update. Is it Panda? Penguin? Or Hummingbird? None of the above. I’ll give all people in the SEO world a moment to breathe.
Well yesterday Google has released their 3rd version of the Payday Loan algorithm. Here is Matt Cutts, Google’s head of search spam, announcing a tweet verifying this release:
The difference between Payday Loan 3.0 and Payday Loan 2.0 is 3.0 is said to be targeting spammy queries, versus 2.0 that targeted spammy sites. We still don’t have a 100% clear answer on all spammy queries Google will be going after but we know some will include search terms like “viagra” and “payday loans.”
The first Payday Loan algorithm was launched on June 11, 2013. With all Google updates, there are always winners, losers and bystanders (those who don’t get affect, you get the idea). I believe it’s pretty obvious who the losers of this updates is. Armageddon is coming to online spammers.