Jon “Blaze” Blazevic


My previous experience:

Before joining TSM, I was in retail for fifteen years with the majority of that time spent in management.  The experience I gained really helped shape who I am as a person, and as a manager.  I had the opportunity to get coached/trained by some outstanding leaders during that time in my career.  Their teachings became an invaluable part of who I am today, and greatly contributed towards my ability to help grow and shape TSM!

I love working at TSM because…

I get a chance to utilize my management and organizational talents and experiences while working in a fun and relaxed environment.  I love the paid lunches, the camaraderie among the employees, and of course, the intense pong games! Above all, the people that we have here at TSM are amazing, period!

When I’m not at work, my favorite things to do are…

I enjoy dancing, singing, watching WWE, going to concerts/shows, basketball, softball/baseball, Smash Brothers on WII U, jamming to some good tunes while driving or at home, and going out for some delicious Asian cuisine! Most of all, I enjoy spending time with my amazing group of friends, and of course my girlfriend and my loving eight year old twin daughters.



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